Learning UX Writing In The Wake of AI

Anastasia Onyinyechi Damian
6 min readJan 27, 2023
Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-reaching-out-to-a-robot-8386434/

Trust me to decide to learn UX Writing in the wake of AI, where ChatGPT is smashing all records humanly possible and scaling through a hornets’ nest of professional exams.

Redundant, it seems

But useful it is.

Photo by Riku Lu on Unsplash

I just tried to sound all wise and knowing like Yoda, but from his expression, I think I messed it up.🙄

The acceptance of AI has been nothing short of a controversial seesaw. On the high side, we have those who believe that design has gone somewhat banal and this latest evolution will give it back that oomph desiring of the industry. They have absolutely embraced and internalised AI into their lives, YouTube videos, wealth alternatives and design methods. It’s the new gold mine for them, and they’re not slowing down anytime soon.

They’re in love with Midjourney and anything remotely related to AI — Notion AI, Canva AI.

You name it.

Photo by Pascal Bernardon on Unsplash

On the lower end, we have those who have /imagine prompt: AI and the human race like it’s some sort of Terminator Genisys, and AI is Skynet wanting to take over designers’ jobs and the relevance for human consciousness in design.

Midjourney (Not mine)

But if this is the plot, who then is our John Connor? And where is Sarah Connor? If you don’t watch movies there’s no way you’re getting this reference. Anyhoo, I’ll be back…to this.

Get it?

Where do I lean?

Honestly, I don’t like seesaws😂🤣. I prefer monkey climbs when I visit a playground.

Seriously, I have mixed feelings about this whole AI evolution. We humans are almost always scared of new inventions and ideas until we find ourselves so dependent and immersed that we forget we were once critical of the idea in the first place.

But who can blame us? It is in our nature to be doubtful at first until we’re convinced beyond all reasonable doubts before we get all warm and cosy with an idea.

It’s simple logic: If AI can perform the task of many in a few hours, why have so many people in the workforce? This logic is the reason many are concerned. Let’s not also talk about the massive layoffs that have been happening and how these same companies are advertising for positions.

But I do believe we can leverage it to better create amazing ideas, get inspiration for insane colour palettes and break the supposed monotony in design.

Experiencing AI

I finally got into the ChatGPT server after weeks of “ChatGPT is at full capacity,” and it was cool. It’s not a god-like level technology — if we’re being honest — because where does it get what it writes?

Whose ideas is it tapping into to generate its answers? These ideas have to come from what humans have done, right? So basically, it’s just fast intelligent recycling and upscaling of content.

That’s what I think, anyway. I played around with ideas and even instructed it to write a story in my native dialect. It didn’t really go well. It did give a nice attempt with the markings and spellings, but the story itself was off. But it is to be expected. Much more workshopping is needed.

As for Midjourney, let’s just say I need some more tutorials and patience. I tried imagining yesterday and the channel would not just stop. Wow! People are not giving this stuff a breathing chance.

So why now? Why learn UX writing now?

I mean it’s obvious, isn’t it? A writer who’s a designer having an interest in UX writing. Even before now, I’ve always watched out for errors in copies but strictly as a creative writer. Now, I want to zhuzh it up and do better as a UX writer.

My Method

Photo by Karl Solano on Unsplash

I picked a book. Before YouTube and digital media, we had good ol’ books which are still timeless and relevant. I wanted to learn and chose a book on microcopy.

The book I chose was Microcopy: A Complete Guide. Don’t you just like straightforward titles? This shows the writer knows what she’s talking about.

Kinneret Yifrah left no stone unturned as she defined the scope and individual details of microcopies: what to watch out for, how to spot when it’s off and building consciousness around writing to solve problems or clear suspicions and doubts.

It was a fun read. Though “Writing for Complex Systems” is a chapter I’ll need to revisit many more times.

The inclusion of screenshots from real products and how they hit or missed the target with their use of copies made the reading experience practical.

Side note: OKCupid has some hilarious UX writers behind their products.

I’m done reading, and I can tell you that my mind has already experienced a shift. It’s also not one of those books you read once and lay on your shelf for decoration. I’ll continually refer to it for guidance.

So now, even when ChatGPT coughs out words for people, I can truly look beyond the plain letters and typography and focus more on the thoughtfulness and solvability of the content.

Hey, I’m not saying I’m an immediate expert, but I’ve topped my hat with the knowledge that’ll help me design better products.

Back to the see-saw.

If you’re team Terminator Genysis, well, maybe befriending the AI now may spare you in the future.

Just saying. It usually works in the movies.😎

The most annoying trend with AI isn’t even the AI; it’s the marketers and enthusiasts.

“I made $50,000 from ChatGPT after it wrote me a best seller.”

“Make $10,000 upward by selling your Midjourney arts on Shutterstock.” Mind you, Shutterstock does not even accept AI-generated art.

“Many of you are using ChatGPT, but what you don’t know is that you can generate business leads worth up to $80,000 in one hour.”

These guys need to stop. Seriously! It’s getting out of hand. I get that people need to milk it with all they’ve got until the fad passes, but come on already. Some figures are crazily exaggerated and downright insulting.

Let’s not also forget the YouTube videos from even some of my favourite designers:

“AI will replace these 6 design skills by 2024.”

“Using ChatGPT and Midjourney to create the perfect landing page.”

Can we take a breather?

Lest I forget, here’s an honourable and special shout-out to those hate-using both ChatGPT and Midjourney.

What exactly is the colour of your problem? It’s the same way I wonder how people claim they hate a movie and then go ahead to buy movie tickets to watch that same movie so that they can still say they hate it.

Every interaction with AI only gives it what it needs: a chance to be better; to be updated until it’s near perfect. Keep hate-using. Knock yourself out until you realise you’re helping its progress.

Till I come your way next time with some more developmental stories, keep pushing pixels and mastering AI.

“Resenting a new technology will not halt its progress.”



Anastasia Onyinyechi Damian

Hi, there! I’m a UI/UX designer, a writer, and a mad movie lover. I’ve dedicated this site to my journey as a designer, both the good and the bad.